Nails: Pink & Black Border Nails

Border nails is all the trend in the nail community right now and I have been waiting to try them out and so here they are.

I have to say I really like them. Simple but not really. It was easy to do, I know that there are a couple of different ways to do them but for me it was easiest to paint my entire nail pink and then outline with the black. It looks like there are some spots showing??? I don't why. Anyways, to do the border I used a kiss nail art brush, you can also use a nail art pen. I originally was gonna have a accent nail, but decided better and I am glad I did. I am excited about trying different color combos, I even seen on YT a mani with two borders so I assume you can really make this nail art your own.

Pure Ice Flirt Alert (review coming)
Finger Paints Black Expressions
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